What I would tell myself a year on...


So it's soon coming up for a year when I opened my online Etsy shop. Wow it's really been a journey!People often look back on experiences and think, 'I wish i could have told myself this a year ago...' to prevent mistakes from ever happening. But this is such a wishful (and completely irrational) way of thinking. Making mistakes is the way we learn. Whether that's trusting somebody we shouldn't, going that step too far and regretting it or even not believing enough.

Here are some things in have learnt in the past year: - Just because I'm young doesn't mean everybody else is always 100% correct - That family is one of the most important things in life and it's so important to support each other - To go for what I really want, even if others think it's stupid or don't understand it

Throughout this year I have been the typical artist...crying because my painting it's 'sooo rubbish' then painting one stroke and absolutely loving it...then crying again! Absolutely BIZARRE but it's something that a lot of artists struggle with. In the past few months I have gained a lot of confidence with my artwork. Not because I think it's great, but because I don't care if it's great or not. Once you take that care away, you don't even think about what others are saying. As long as I am using my paintings as my outlet, that is what makes it art. When you look at my paintings you should see a part of my soul, my vulnerability. That's what I want from my paintings.

If I could say one thing to myself in a year I would say 'Enjoy the ride!'

So stick with me and go for something that you really want, and don't regret it :)

Love Katie x20140622-173557-63357340.jpg