New Paintings


I've been working on a new series of abstract seascape paintings recently, which you will have seen if you're following me on Instagram or Facebook.

Meaning Behind Them

Sometimes the clouds are stormy and the wind races through my hair and it makes me feel alive. Other times the ocean is quite, serene and you can only hear the faint movement of the ocean. Of course...this is all in my head. And yes...I sounds like a total nutter. But I'm a daydreamer, and I recharge when I'm alone. I think a lot of artists are solitary beings by nature, me being one of them. 

I've tried to use colour to express the feeling as I painted each one of them. Colour is one of the main communications in art, and also draws others feelings out. This body of work is heavily based on emotions (if you hadn't already guessed). That's why I have kept the subject very abstract and used the application of paint to tell the story. 

I hope that you like these new paintings and they will be available very soon. If you would like to reserve one email me at and I can arrange this.

Love Katie x