What you need to start Acrylic Painting


Acrylic painting have so many benefits. One of the most fantastic things about acrylic paints is that you only need water to use them! How easy is that?! Especially when you have to clean up :) I have only recently got into acrylics, and I wish I had started sooner. They dry SUPER quick too so you can move forward quicker with your painting, whilst you have the inspiration and determination. I have created a checklist for those of you that might have never used acrylics before. It can be tricky knowing what to buy, especially if you're on a tight budget, as there are so many products out there. So I hope this helps, even a little. You can also check out my painting process post to help you know what you're first marks on the canvas should be. (I have created the checklist so you can 'Pin it' for later.) 


Love Katie x